Masuk Daftar

barang tetek bengek bahasa Inggris

  • barang:    chattel; object; producen; stuff; thing; ware;
  • tetek:    breasts; bosom; breast; knocker; boob; titty;
  • tetek bengek:    jumble
  • bengek:    asthma; bronchial asthma; shortness of breath;
  • bengek:    asthma; bronchial asthma; shortness of breath; wheeziness; asthma attack
  • tetek:    breasts; bosom; breast; knocker; boob; titty; suckle; tit; chest; teat
  • barang:    chattel; object; producen; stuff; thing; ware; goods (economics); goods; -ware; affair; things; question; doodad; whatchamacallit; thingumabob; good; luggage; any; item; thingmabob; gismo; doohickey
  • barang-barang:    goods; household utensils; stuff; wares; things; clothes; merchandise; items; products; equipment
  • barang barang curian:    hot goods
  • barang barang perhiasan:    jewelry; tomfoolery; jewellery; costume jewellery; gem; jewel
  • barang penghasil barang:    industrial goods
  • barang penghasil barang lain:    producer goods
  • barang-barang bebas:    independent goods
  • barang-barang besi:    hardware; iron-ware
  • barang-barang dagangan:    goods; merchandise; ware